
Showing posts from August, 2019


10 TIPS FOR WEIGHT GAIN FAST In this modern age where most people are worried about increasing their weight. On the other hand, there are some people who live under stress due to weight loss. In today's time full of fast food and junk food, balancing body weight has become a big problem. Being low or overweight has a direct effect on your physical beauty and personality. If you are also worried about being thin and if you are making sure to gain weight , then the information given in this post will be very useful for you. Reason for weight loss: - There can be many reasons for the loss of body weight, which can vary according to each person's diet, interest and habit. Lack of nutritious foods in food is the biggest reason for weight loss. Today, in a life, most of the people take more interest towards fast food and junk food by not giving nutritious and balanced diet. And both the reason for low or high body weight is due to the body not getting the necessary n


HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT NATURALLY While on the one hand many people are suffering from obesity, on the other hand there are many people who are struggling with the problem of thinness or weight loss. Being over or underweight both causes many health problems. Just as weight loss is a difficult task, in the same way, naturally balanced weight gain is also a complete option. Many people buy marketable products and instant weight like instant coffee. Want to gain that which creates many health related issues for them in future, so whenever you start a weight gain program, you should be balanced and healthy. Pay special attention not to bear. If need be, you can consult the doctor. Who is underweight? According to Ayurveda, a person who has a vein mesh on his body, pairs of fingers become fat, bones appear on the body, flesh muscles are decayed. A person gets tired very quickly after working. Is lean or underweight. According to modern medical science, the BMI (Body Mass In


How to gain weight fast and safe Many of us want to have a good body structure. But in world many of us are overweight and many are underweight. Being a skinny person can be just as bad for your health as being fatty. Here i am outline some simple strategy to gain healthy weight quickly. What do you meant by underweight ? A person is consider underweight when his/her BMI (BODY MASS INDEX) is below 18.5  A person whose BMI is above than 25 is consider as overweight and BMI over 30 is consider as obese. we can calculate our BMI using BMI calculator in google. Being underweight according to BMI scale doesn't mean that you have health problem. Beside this some people are naturally very skinny but they are very healthy. Factors for being underweight There are several things that causes someone to become underweight are : EATING DISORDER :- It can cause serious health problem like mental disorder. THYROID ISSUE :- Having a highly active thyroid can


HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT FAST Just as obesity and increased weight is a big problem. Similarly many people have to face the problem of underweight. Due to low weight, people make fun of them, in addition to that they also seem to be malnutrition patients. But do not worry, there are some domestic methods through which you will gain weight in a few months, that means you will gain weight . Home ways how to gain weight potato Include potatoes in your regular diet. Potatoes contain carbohydrates and complex sugar which helps in weight gain . For this, you can eat potato in any way, but try not to over-roast it. Ghee Eating ghee will also increase your weight because it contains a very good amount of saturated fats and kailari. You can eat ghee by adding it to the food or you can eat it by mixing it with sugar, but keep in mind that the quantity of ghee should be limited. Raisins Eat a handful of raisins daily throughout the day. By doing this, you will gain