How to gain weight fast and safe

How to gain weight fast and safe

Many of us want to have a good body structure.

But in world many of us are overweight and many are underweight.

Being a skinny person can be just as bad for your health as being fatty.

Here i am outline some simple strategy to gain healthy weight quickly.

What do you meant by underweight ?

A person is consider underweight when his/her BMI (BODY MASS INDEX) is below 18.5 

A person whose BMI is above than 25 is consider as overweight and BMI over 30 is consider as obese.

we can calculate our BMI using BMI calculator in google.

Being underweight according to BMI scale doesn't mean that you have health problem. Beside this some people are naturally very skinny but they are very healthy.

Factors for being underweight

There are several things that causes someone to become underweight are :
  • EATING DISORDER :- It can cause serious health problem like mental disorder.
  • THYROID ISSUE :- Having a highly active thyroid can boost metabolism in your body which result weight loss.
  •  DIABETES :- Having uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serve weight loss.
  • CANCER :- Cancerous tumors burn large amount of calories and cause weight loss.
  • INFECTION :- There are several infection which can cause weight loss are parasites, tuberculosis and HIV.
So, if you are underweight then first go to the doctor and consult about your problem . And confirm that you don't have following problems. If someone have some problem then first cure by consult the doctor.

How to gain weight in the Healthy way

Someone can gain weight by simply eating junk foods. But having a junk food for gaining weight is not the right path. Your body will not get sufficient amount of nutrition which it needs. Even if the junk food doesn't result an extra weight, it can still damage your body.

For gaining healthy weight in a week, there are followings tips that will help :

Adding more calories : 

You can gain weight by simply adding more calories. Just you need to eat more calories.

If you want to increase weight slowly then you can eat (300 to 500) calories more in a day.

But if you want to increase weight in fastly then you should eat (800 to 1000) more calories a day.

You can increase your calories intake by adding nuts or seed toppings, cheese ( or other milk products) and healthy side dish. Try almonds, sunflower seeds, fruits, or whole grain and wheat toast.

Eat plenty of protein


Our body uses protein to build and repair tissues. Proteins are important for building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

So, protein is single most nutrient for gaining weight.

The foods which gives us high level protein are fish, meat,eggs, many dairy products,nuts and so on. You can use protein supplements like whey protein which help you to enough protein for your diet if you are struggling to get enough proteins. 

Eating small meals :

fresh and healthy meals to gain weight

If you are struggling with a poor appetite, due to medical or emotional issues, eating large amounts of food may not seem appealing.

Consider eating smaller meals throughout the day to increase your calories intake.

So, eat 5-6 small meals in a day. 

Lift heavy weight and do Exercises to increase your strength :

useful exercise for gaining muscles and weight

As your planning to gain weight so for that you are taking excess calories. But make sure that the excess calories which you are taking go to your muscles instead of getting fatty body.

Go to the gym and do heavy lifting and make your muscles strong and increase weight and volume overtime.

If you are new to the gym and completely out of the shapes, then hire a gym trainer to help you.

You may consult doctor if you have any skeletal or medical issues.

Doing some cardio is good for fitness and muscles. But don't do much that you end all your extra calories for gaining weight.

Some muscles building exercises which help you most are :

Bench Press


Incline Dumbbell Press

Lat Pull-Downs

Triceps Push-Down

Dumbbell Curls

Important tips to gain weight :

There are several strategy to gain weight even strategy.

  • Don't drink water before meal. This will fill your stomach and make it hard to get enough calories.
  • Drink milk. This will help to get protein and calories in good amount.
  • Add cream to your coffee. This is the simple way to add more calories.
  • Get proper sleep. A good sleeping is important for muscles growth.
  • Don't smoke. Smoking reduces weight. A non smoker has better health than a smoker.
  • Stop doing masturbation. Masturbation reduces your weight and also there are many bad effects.     


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